About us

Rhema Faith is a non-denominational, contemporary, charismatic, family church. The King's church was founded in 1982 by Rev. Barry & Sandra Law. After 26 years of ministry Rev Barry Law, through the guidance of The Holy Spirit, handed over the ministry to Rev. Brian Kuppan. As time progressed we felt the urge to restructure the ministry and change our name. Rhema is all about the spoken Word of God and our whole journey is based on a walk of faith in Jesus Christ. Our desire is to become a family of believers, truly worshipping GOD preaching and teaching HIS uncompromised WORD of truth. We believe and teach the whole Bible as the truly inspired and infallible Word of God. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit(1 Corinthians 12), anointing with oil and praying for the sick according to James ch.5. We believe in the Christian doctrine of salvation, through Jesus’ death on the cross and that Christ died to redeem us from our sins(Romans 5:8 ).

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